- Pamela Vona

Pamela Vona was born in Athens (Greece), in December 1966.


Great traveller, fond of Glottology and Cultural Anthropology, Theosophy, Anthroposophy, Oriental Languages, Naturopathy and Psychic Sciences, she visited over 100 nations, and she made her first tour of the world at the age of 24.


She studied in many countries worldwide.


She graduated in “Japanese - Oriental Languages and Cultures” at the prestigious Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente (Italian Institute for Middle and Far East), and Hypnotherapy (Research Fellow of Science in Hypnotherapy).


For many years she was trained, among others, by the world famous psychiatrist Dr. Brian Weiss, Chairman Emeritus of Psychiatry at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami, in Past Life Regression Techniques. She followed dr. Weiss' Workshops and Courses in Italy and U.S.A., at the famous Omega Institute for Holistic Studies of Rhinebeck.


Pamela Vona is as an Energy Naturopathist, working not only with Hypnosis and Regression, even with the Healing Energy and Meditation. She developed very effective personal healing techniques. She is a recognized and requested Healer, even from a distance. She is also a Reconnective Healer (trained by famous dr. Eric Pearl, The Reconnection).


Pamela Vona conducts international seminars and experiential workshops all over the worlds, in four languages, as well as training programs for professionals.


Pamela Vona studied Psychic Sciences in the most important Universities in the World.

In U.S.A she awarded the most important Parapsychology Certification.

She demonstrates proficiency in testing and researching:


Parapsychology Certification

Extrasensory Perception



Past Life Memories





Remote Viewing

Near Death Experience




Out of Body Experiences



Pamela Vona awarded, with honors, always in U.S.A., also the following Certifications:

- Paranormal Studies

- Paranormal Investigator

- Cryptozoologist

- Ufo Investigator

- EVP-ITC Technician


She attended, and she is always attending The Arthur Findlay College, the World's foremost College for the Advancement of Psychic Science, in Stansted, UK.

The Arthur Findlay College is famous all over the World also as a training college for Mediumship and Healing. It also offers residential study courses covering the philosophy associated with the religion of Spiritualism.


Pamela Vona is also a Writer

In December 2004 she lived, with her husband and their three children, the terrible experience of tsunami. They are all alive, thanks to a very huge miracle as she narrated in her book "L'Onda" (The Wave), published by De Agostini Editore

In September 2005 she won her first literary award "Il Delfino". 

She belongs to the Fernando Palazzi Writers’ Register (Albo dell’Ordine degli Scrittori Fernando Palazzi) and the Contemporary Greek Authors list.


She is the President of the International Association for the Advancement of Human Behaviour.


Pamela Vona has been actively involved in social and humanitarian initiatives for more than twenty years.

Welcome to my website and thank you for being here.

Human beings live and describe the emotions in different languages. Heart speaks only one language, the language of Love. It is the language I prefer.

Travelling, learning, understanding and sharing with others our knowledge makes us strong, free and proud. I travel the world and I am lucky to learn by inherited transgenerational transmission but, in my inner silent, every single moment of life is always subject to subtle hermeneutics.

On this site you will always find acceptance, hope and good advice, if required.

That the experiences of my life could enrich not only me but everyone who likes to draw on it.

Pamela Vona

Pamela Vona

Pamela Vona